Tron Wiki
Tron circuitry

Clu, Yori and Tron are examples of Programs. Programs come in many different forms and have different gear from each other (such as Clu's unique helmet).

Tron Legacy 48 crop

Programs in 2010.

Tron 01 905

Yori-maybe(far left), CLU 2(next to middle), Tron(middle)

Programs are electronic beings that are created by Users. Programs have a unique trait of looking exactly like their User counterpart in the Real World; however, despite their human appearance they are completely different beings than users. They live on pure energy and have circuitry all over their armor or robes, which glows in different colors which varies from program to program.

Circuitry Colors

Clu updated
Tron legacy still

A Program's circuitry colors vary depending on a program's beliefs or functions or, in very rare cases, emotions. Programs are roughly classed by several major colors:

  • Blue (Tron era, 1982)
    • Neutral programs (some have white circuitry in later cycles)
    • Believe in and/or fight for Users
    • ENCOM mainframe or Tron system security programs
    • Users (later changed to white circuitry)
  • Red
    • Does not believe in Users, considers them blasphemy
    • Believes in and/or loyal to the MCP
    • Reprogrammed programs loyal to Clu
  • Yellow
    • Hacker/Search programs
    • Corrupted/Rogue Pprograms
    • Virus (Abraxas)
  • Purple
    • fCon programs
    • In the Deleted Love Scene from Tron, Yori has purple circuitry, possibly denoting that circuitry colors can change due to emotions
    • Briefly on Kevin Flynn when transitioning from red to blue in the Solar Sailer scene


The anatomy of programs is very different. Skin color tones can be completely monochromatic (including eyes and teeth) with the exception of circuitry. Their hair is usually concealed by their helmets, however, in recent years more programs appear without helmets. 80s era programs almost always wore helmets.

Programs also wear armor like forearm and shin guards (apart from helmets) quite frequently. A scene depicted in Tron: Legacy shows that Sirens have the ability to suit programs and users up for games, so it is suggested that armor can be removed.

Sexuality in programs has also been confirmed, however, it is unknown if they can reproduce.

They also have the ability to manipulate their environment when inside the grid, as suggested in Tron's deleted love scene, and in Tron: Legacy, where in both of them shows Yori and Castor confessing to have programmed their personal quarters.

In Tron: Legacy, a program's apparel has been radically modified, with the helmet modified from a small selection of standard designs into a wide range of different styles that can appear or disappear as needed. The armor has been changed to black with illuminated joints to help distinguish one program from another, though several white-clothed programs have been seen.

List of Notable Programs

Marco tron20

A modern program in Tron 2.0.


Tron 2.0

Tron: Betrayal

Tron: Evolution

Tron: Legacy

Datapushers color2

some data pushers, their circuitry come in many different colors, they also are oblivious to the world around them
