Tron Wiki
Codex loc outlands
The Outlands
Geographical information
Region Tron system
Points of Interest Flynn's Safehouse
Bostrum Colony
Other information
Designer Kevin Flynn
Behind the scenes
Appearances TRON: Evolution

TRON: Legacy

The Outlands is a vast wasteland in the Tron system that is located outside the boundaries of the Grid. It has a craggy, treacherous terrain full of sheer rock walls and deep ravines. According to Quorra, very few programs venture into the Outlands, save for those few desperate enough to escape Clu's grasp. Kevin Flynn fled into the Outlands after Clu's betrayal in 1989 and established a home there. An ISO faction also established the Bostrum Colony in the Outlands.


  • "Outlands" is also the name of one of Daft Punk's musical scores for the film.

