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"And my miracle, Clu saw the ISOs as an imperfection. So he destroyed them."
Kevin Flynn informing his son, Sam Flynn, about the Purge[src]

The Purge[2] or the ISO War[3] is the name given to a monumental act of genocide within the Tron system, instigated to fully eradicate ISOs from the system.


Prior events[]

In 1984,[4] while inside the Tron system, Kevin Flynn bore witness to the arrival of the ISOs.[5] This new breed of program had evolved within the system simply because the conditions existed for their evolution. Flynn saw their appearance as a "miracle". As far as Flynn was concerned, the Tron system had simply given birth to a new form of life.[6]

Both the Tron and Clu programs were also present at the time, and while Tron simply looked on and followed his directives to ensure security, Clu's perspective as a system controller had an altogether different impact. Clu's directives drove him to create the perfect system and yet to him, the ISOs represented an element of chaos - a taint that must be eradicated to ensure that perfection is allowed to thrive.[7]



The Coup against Kevin Flynn, the event to that lead up to the Purge.

Clu, realizing his position on the ISOs would contrast with Flynn's, bided his time while amassing a power base to launch a coup that would restore perfection to the Tron system. Finally, he launched his attack in 1989, inquiring of Flynn, "Am I still to create the perfect system?" Flynn's quizzical, affirmative reply fell on deaf ears as Clu and his Black Guards attacked, defeating both Tron and Flynn in the process. Flynn was forced into hiding and disappeared into the Outlands to escape the tyranny of his rebellious program.[8][6][4][9]


"He knew. He knew that was a haven for ISOs. This is what he wants! Clu's declared war on the ISOs. And with a weapon like that, who will help us?"
Quorra upon seeing the End of Line Club destroyed.[src]
End of Line Club destroyed

The End of Line Club, the only ISO safe haven in Tron City, is destroyed, the first act of the Purge.

With Flynn gone, there was nothing to prevent Clu from doing as he pleased within the Tron system.[8] Clu declared war on the ISOs by destroying the End of Line Club, the only ISO safe haven in Tron City, using the Rectifier.[4]

The ISO War[]

"Rejoice my soldiers! You have been repurposed in the rest of the free army! Together, we will cleanse the Grid from imperfection. Together, we will wipe out the agents of terror!"
Clu to his army[src]
Clu's army in Tron Uprising

Clu's army

Sometime after, Clu's forces detained System Monitors such as Nord, Klax, Reeve, along with several others, and preceded to Repurpose all of them as Tron watched on. As it turned out, Clu had created Repurposing, a process that turned regular programs into a part of his army. Tron remained untouched however, this was due to him being given the option by his former friend, Dyson, though he declined this offer and was instead sent to the throne ship.

During all of this, Clu was giving a rallying speech about the ISOs to his now repurposed army somewhere in Tron City. The topic of this speech was of heading into battle and eliminating all the ISOs.[10] Clu's forces set upon the ISOs with a ferocity never before seen in the Grid. Their purpose was simply to destroy every last ISO in the name of perfection. ISO dwellings were razed to the ground, and their citizens hunted down in the streets. No matter where they fled, Clu's forces would eventually route them out and destroy them. The genocidal event later came to be known as "The Purge".[6]


An ISO arm band used by Cutler as a memorial of his allegiance to the ISOs.

Some sympathetic Basics, such as Cutler, aided the ISOs in battle against Clu's forces, though many Programs were lost to the war, including friends of Cutler. In order to show their support for the ISOs, Basics on the ISO side wore an armband, that when activated, displays the male or female ISO symbol.[11]

Purgos, the original settlement of Argon City, became a city filled with crime after the Purge.[12] Refuges of the war, Quorra and Ada, made their way to an undisclosed town and met Paige, a medic program. Although originally friends, Paige grew resentful towards them after they "betrayed" them.[13] The Purge seemingly ended as Clu had exterminated almost every single ISO on the Grid, with the exception of Quorra, who was rescued by Flynn and hidden from Clu's forces by him.[4]


  • Although unconfirmed, it is likely that locations such as the ISO district, and ISO City were destroyed during the Purge.


  1. The "Accessing archived data" segment from every opening intro sequence of TRON: Uprising, lists Kevin Flynn's last arrival to the Tron system as "11-03-1989". The same month Flynn disappeared and when the events of TRON: Evolution took place
  2. As referred to by Quorra in some dialogue of TRON: Legacy
  3. As referred to by many characters in TRON: Uprising.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 TRON: Evolution
  5. TRON: Betrayal - Chapter 1
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 TRON: Legacy
  7. TRON: Betrayal
  8. 8.0 8.1 TRON: Uprising S01E09 Scars, Part 1
  9. TRON: Legacy Graphic Novel
  10. TRON: Uprising S01E10 Scars, Part 2
  11. TRON: Uprising S01E03 The Renegade, Part 2
  12. TRON: Uprising S01E05 Identity
  13. TRON: Uprising S01E06 Isolated