Tron Wiki
Ha Ha Ha!
FCon Monster
Biographical information
Compile Date March 2003
Derezzed Date March 2003
Physical description
Circuitry Color Green
Gender Male and Female
Description A horrid corrupted monster created by combining Esmond Baza, Eva Popoff and Seth Crown into one entity.
Other information
Functions To destroy Jet Bradley
Out of universe information
Appearances Tron 2.0

The FCon Monster is an entity comprised of three corrupted Users created as the result of Seth Crown, Esmond Baza and Eva Popoff digitizing themselves without the correction algorithms. While Jet Bradley was being transported back to the real world via the digitizing stream, the monster chased after Jet and began to attack him. Ma3a said that if the monster were to return back to its original analog form, they would die. Jet saved his life (as well as theirs) by pushing the monster off of the digitization stream, so they will stay in the computer world.

After Jet returned safely, Alan transferred the monster to a portable hard drive where he would "fix the mess they got themselves into".
